Changes: smaller ones and bigger ones

Change is coming closer, still not in sight, but I imagine that I can hear sometimes his footsteps: heavy ones.
Small and easy change is what you see here ...

... Point was the first, but the other two followed: change of coat. Already? Yes and I sensed it a few weeks ago. Every morning I get up at 5 o'clock and I'm out more or less 30 min later. When it is cloudy I have the feeling that I have to switch on the light at my bike. A long time I was just irritated and thought I missed something. Is the longest day of the year already behind me? One of my prime app is the weather app, and there I also have the time when sun is rising and I saw that every one or two day it raises 1 min later, so no wonder the boys are starting with their change of coat.
So that's an easy change and also an old acquaintance. But the rumbling noise I believe to hear comes from another direction.
Short excursion: On Wednesday I talked with a dear colleague. She told me about her 4 year old daughter and that she want to offer her alternatives in hobbies, so that she can find out what she likes and were she is talented. So we started to talk about doing gymnastics and I remembered. When I was very young I did several years gymnastics and I think an attentive observer can see it in the way I move my body. As a Gymnast you need a certain tension in your whole body, so that you are able to catapult it in the way and the direction you want it.
End of excursion, but this gave me the picture for the change. Right now I feel like I stand in one corner of a carpet for gymnast. They are huge. With the help of the picture I was now able to put myself in this corner and I build up the tension, but I have to figure out were I want to go and how. Is it a flic-flac move? This can hurt! Am I fit? I should know what I want before the starting gong sounds. But what when there is no place I want to move and I also don't want or can't stay?
Alexander is not a gymnast, his movement is flying. And he is already in the air and has a target. If he will reach is another question, but the rumble comes from his possibly arrival.
And all this makes me uncool, sometimes more and sometimes less.
Yesterday morning very uncool. I walked with the ponies to the forest for our jogging round. They kept snatching for grass and I felt wrenched and than I had enough, shortened all leads and shouted: 'Look at you, you are all to fat' and murmuring 'including me'. That's really not true, nothing more to say about this. After this I was breathless and thought what an idiot I'm and that I ruined the morning. At the beginning of our jogging round I stopped. All three ponies stood as far away from me as possible. Horrible sight from my point of view and I cried out: 'Can someone please help me'. Immediately I felt stupid, for one to call my ponies persons, and for the second to ask them for help where I have played the asshole a few minutes ago. BUT Moritz turned with an annoyed expression in his face and came a few steps to me and placed his head just in front of me, so that I was able to bury my face in his front mane. I wanted to cry, but I was not able.

We ran and it was OK. Pepe tried to keep the most possible distance and when I released them in their paddock they vanished quickly. I confessed to Alexander and he had kind of the same expression in his face like Moritz: Irritated and annoyed but was really astonished that Moritz turned. Me too.
This morning I did all very very good. We had a very peaceful run, all in total harmony. It was 8 degrees Celsius and a big relaxation after all this heat.

PS: The change will hopefully happen in our business life not in our personal life. We are in perfect harmony: He flies and I run - not flic-flac - on the ground, same direction, same thought, same feelings, sometimes we make fancy moves for the other one.

After reading this post again and again I think that maybe the gymnast is a memory and that's why I'm not able to move. I'm a runner and a hiker, and what is most important I'm very used to start running and hiking without having a route in mind. Normally it presents itself during the move, and all I need is endurance and persistence and that's my second names! In all probability I'm already on the move ...


  1. I swim almost every morning at 5:30am, it's getting a bit darker. Horses make us be honest, we get mad, they don't care, and we realize we were wrong. It's frustrating and helpful at the same time.

    I think you are like your horses: live in the moment, take the next turn on the trail, maybe this way instead. They teach you more than you know.

    1. You swim every day? When I was in Italy and the first thing we did every morning was swimming, I remember that Alexander and I had a talk in the water. He asked me if swiming is the same as running. I and especially Alexander would love to start the day with swimming! Happy and brave girl!

  2. I frigging LOVE this post Sabine.
    Love the word play, Love how the story unwinds, LOVE the ending. {{{LOVE}}}

    1. Thank you Mrs Shoes, this thoughts had to come out ...

  3. I had a further thought (maybe because some of our closest friends here are Swiss immigrants)...
    Might you be thinking of emigrating to Canada? Or anywhere?

    1. Oh Mrs Shoes, on one hand so close ... If thoughts can fly! Are you a wise woman who predicts the future for other people :-)

  4. Yeah Sabine, that's totally me - pseudo psychic. *snort*

    Come one, come on, come on...............
    I am sitting on the edge of my seat here!
    Tell us more of the story!!!!

  5. Like you I'm sitting on the edge of my seat! Right now we have here a kind of a cliffhanger ... Waiting for the other sides to move :-) Be sure I keep you posted.


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