Runners have to take care of her toes

Sunday morning and the time was right for a longer run.
My favorite running shoes so long are Hokas. I like(ed) the brand, I like the shoes, I like the sound they make when you walk - Tap tap tap. I don't have much experience with running shoes, before Hoka I had shoes from Asics, always the trailrun type and I was also happy. But the Hokas are kind of special.

We started and I didn't care much about the length of the run, but of the route I wanted to run.
It was not easy because it's still cold and the paths are frozen, icy and with snow.
Suddenly we came to a halt because everyone had to cool his fur ...

... except me. During this session I got really cold. I thought about doing the same, but decided that I would just get wet.
At the end we ran 7 km, and I was happy, but felt a little pain at my toes, but didn't care.
That' s how they look like after running and rolling.

While walking home, I felt more and more pain in my toes, but tried to ignore it stubbornly (that's my character). Also I started freezing heavily. Arriving at home I jumped under a very hot shower, and felt all right again - except my toes which I still ignored. I ignored them till they hunted me in my dreams. That for sure never happend before in my life, I have never ever dreamed about my toes!
In the morning, I contemplated about which shoes could comfort me while cleaning the horse paddock, if I should go for a short run, and which shoes could comfort me over the day. Honestly I think it's not the right attitude toward my feet who are walking and running with so much reliability for miles and miles. Because thinking about how I could torture my toes again after they dreamed to me (means try to speak, because I don't listened to their pain) is not friendly at all.
I did some sort of confession to Alexander while driving to work and he comments: 'May be you are to old for that...?' Ah, thank you, just what I needed to hear :-)


  1. I hope you've been better to your toes since this run. =) Sounds like fun nonetheless!

    1. Yes, I'm very sensitive with my whole feets! What about your running experiences? I love your landscape, it looks wonderful! I'm close to the black forest so it's a lot of up and down and a serious forest.

  2. Similar landscape. Right in the heart of the Appalachian mountains, so the terrain can be pretty rough! I was hiking yesterday on some pretty rocky trails - definitely called for some tricky footwork!


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