Breakfast under an appletree

Coffee, Kindle, Knitting stuff
Yesterday I took a day off and caught the Ponys very early in the morning. Right now it's very hot in our region, but we have refreshing cool air in the night and morning.

Early morning visitors

Observer: he seemed surprise when he discovered me
Since months I had the idea to go back into the saddle. Now and than I have a pain in my lower back after walking longer distances or after jogging and I thought maybe a slow ride could help to relax the muscles. Also my shoulder is healing very slowly and having three Ponys on ropes for hours I can't avoid some bad movements.

Back in the saddle
And it was great. The weather was perfect, cool air and very pretty light reflections in the forest.
It was a slow ride, because I don't wanted to overwork my old man and I also wanted to avoid additional muscle stiffness ... since it was my birthday and I'm now a fifty-year-old.

Will there be changes?
Yes, I think so, but not because I'm fifty, but rather it's time to overthink some habits.
First the habit to go jogging every morning with the Ponys and having pain in the back for the rest of the day. I already stopped mowing, since my shoulder heals so slow. I think I need this number 50 for rethinking. In terms of myself I'm a slow learner. Probably I can't change that drastically, but I would like to be smarter with my body and my mind.
And here comes the first lesson: Be proud!

Robot with wild hair
Last Saturday I was invited to Leipzig for a presentation. It was a part of the RoboCup event and I arrived early and strolled over the exhibition. My part was within Women in Mobility 4.0. If you are interested you can find the article and presentation here.

Women in Mobility 4.0. Leipzig 2016

Self- and external perception, it's an endless game. The photo above shows me how I perceive myself. Quite up-to-date there is another version.

The title is: What inspires her, and how does she rest
 I like both versions, but prefer to stick with the pink one and have always a Pony at my side!


  1. That is a lovely breakfast spot. I'm glad you're back in the saddle, adjusting for age or injury is hard, but necessary! Love the magazine photo, very flattering!

  2. And again you and Major are my models. Based on injury I thought after reading your last post: I should look after myself like you after Major. And your views between his ears always gives me a longingly feeling.

  3. So good to see you ride, though I do admire your commitment to fitness.
    And what a lovely photo Sabine!

  4. I have thought long about the 'my commitment to fitness', mostly in the night :-) You hit a nerv! For myself I don't think as a sporty typ, but there is an instant satisfaction in moving (running or walking longer distances) that's why it is so important for me. But only with the Ponys, without them I feel stupid to run around.


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