Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand ... Mirror, mirror on the wall ...
wer ist die Sonderbarste im ganzen Land.
who is the most mysterious in the land.
Normalerweise bin ich ja die merkwürdige und ich kann mich momentan auch an keine Situation erinnern, wo mal jemand sonderbarer war wie ich. Und wir waren uns auch einig, ich bin schon ziemlich selten (Ponywandern zu viert), aber diese Pärchen haben mich eindeutig übertrumpft - und sie waren ganz schön stolz drauf!
Normally it's me who is the weird one, or the one were people say 'I have never seen something like this' (Hiking with three Ponys). But this couple had a pair of red-cheeked parrot in a special backpack. We agreed I'm a seldom species, but today they won the price - and they were very proud!
Ich traf die beiden am Ende unserer über 10 km lange Runde. Es war ein schöner Herbsttag mit etwas frischeren Temperaturen und Sonnenschein. Ich bin durchs Laibertal gewandert und als wir aus dem engen Tal heraus waren gab es wunderbare Landschaftsausblicke.
I meet this two people at the end from out 10 km hike. It was a beautiful autumn day with a slightly fresh temperature and sunshine. I walked through the Laibertal and when we came out of the narrow valley we had marvelous outlooks.
Meine beiden alten Herren sehen etwas müde aus, wandern aber unermüdlich neben mir her.
My two old men look a little bit tired, but they walk without hesitation at my side.
Die Bäume hängen voll mit Äpfeln und Birnen. Die Reichhaltigkeit und der Überfluss in der Natur zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt machen mich immer wieder sprachlos und gleichzeitig entsteht ein Trieb alles sammeln und verwerten zu wollen.
The trees are full with apples and pears. The richness and opulence of nature at a certain time makes me speechless and at the same time I get the desire to save everything.
Während ich versuchte Fotos zu machen, hatte der kleine Mann nichts anderes im Sinn als Ärger zu suchen. Er sucht die Nase von Point, fängt an laut und heftig zu atmen und dann fliegen die Vorderhufe und er kreischt. Ein paar Stunden zuvor habe ich ihm bei uns im Garten beobachtet, wie er mit beiden Hinterhufen nach Moritz ausschlug, weil er hinter ihm vorbei ging. Das kenne ich so nicht von ihm, anscheinend hat er gerade mehr Hormone als sonst. Seine Konzentration kann man hier bis in die Haarspitzen erkennen.
While I tried to make photos, the little man was looking for trouble. He seeks the nose from Point, starts to breath loud and heavy and after this the front hooves were thrown into the air and he starts shrieking. A few hours earlier in our garden I observed how he tried to hit Moritz with his back hooves, because he passed him. It's not his normal behaviour, looks like he has an overflow of hormones. If you want to see it very close, click here.
who is the most mysterious in the land.
Ein Rotkopfpapagaien Paar wird ausgeführt A pair of red-cheeked parrot have a walk |
Normally it's me who is the weird one, or the one were people say 'I have never seen something like this' (Hiking with three Ponys). But this couple had a pair of red-cheeked parrot in a special backpack. We agreed I'm a seldom species, but today they won the price - and they were very proud!
Ich traf die beiden am Ende unserer über 10 km lange Runde. Es war ein schöner Herbsttag mit etwas frischeren Temperaturen und Sonnenschein. Ich bin durchs Laibertal gewandert und als wir aus dem engen Tal heraus waren gab es wunderbare Landschaftsausblicke.
I meet this two people at the end from out 10 km hike. It was a beautiful autumn day with a slightly fresh temperature and sunshine. I walked through the Laibertal and when we came out of the narrow valley we had marvelous outlooks.
Alle Felder sind abgeerntet und der Himmel geht bis in die Unendlichkeit All fields are harvested and the sky is endless |
Sieht aus wie in Öl gemalt: Schloss Hohenzollern Looks like painted in Oil: Castle Hohenzollern |
My two old men look a little bit tired, but they walk without hesitation at my side.
The trees are full with apples and pears. The richness and opulence of nature at a certain time makes me speechless and at the same time I get the desire to save everything.
Apfelbaum Apple tree |
Birnenbaum Pear tree |
While I tried to make photos, the little man was looking for trouble. He seeks the nose from Point, starts to breath loud and heavy and after this the front hooves were thrown into the air and he starts shrieking. A few hours earlier in our garden I observed how he tried to hit Moritz with his back hooves, because he passed him. It's not his normal behaviour, looks like he has an overflow of hormones. If you want to see it very close, click here.
Da sucht jemand Ärger Looking for trouble |
I am not a bird lover to where I would make them pets, especially in a backpack gone hiking.
ReplyDeleteThe extent of my bird appreciation is to love them for their eggs & meat. Chickens that is, not parrots.
Here you are!!! I missed you! With the parrots same with me, I had no good feelings and honestly they did not look happy! And I'm love to eat eggs lots of it, chicken is difficult to get here, at least good one.
ReplyDeleteWatch my blog Monday please Sabine - I am posting a plea to citizens & visitors of Europe to be on the lookout for a child abducting fugitive from Canadian justice!