In letzter Zeit / Recently

Die Zeit fliegt vorbei und ich hatte nicht das Gefühl etwas zu erzählen zu haben.
Es ist ein zu warmer Herbst. Wenn wir wandern gehen sind die Ponys schnell nass geschwitzt. Es sind Mücken unterwegs und ich habe das Gefühl für die alten Herren ist es manchmal zu viel.
Pepe und ich fahren morgen wieder in die Zollernalb. Unser altes Haus braucht Aufmerksamkeit. Meine Nervosität ist gross und ich versuche mir einzureden dass ich mit Pepe in den Urlaub fahre ...
Time is flying and I think I have nothing to tell.
Autumn is too warm. When I hike with my Ponys they are fast sweating and there are still a lot of insects in the air. I also have the feeling that it is too much for the old guys.
Pepe and I are traveling in the Zollernalb tomorrow. Our old house needs attention. I'm very nervous and I try to persuade myself that we are just going on vacation ...

Und hier der Beweis an mich selber: Immer noch unterwegs!
And here the proof for myself: Still alive and on the road!

Neuer Fahrradweg mit Durchquerung einer Furt und Babyschwan rechts
A new bike route where I have to cross a ford and a small swan in the right

Tag der kleinen Schwäne
It was the day for little swans
Eine beeindruckende Spinne
An impressive spider
Herbstgefühle am grauen Himmel
Autumn feelings in the grey sky
Schwitzen und wälzen
Sweating and rolling
Alte Freundschaft_1
Friendship forever_1

Alte Freundschaft_2
Friendship forever_2
Point hat eine Freundlin
Point made a female friend
Der in den Himmel schaut ...
Who is looking in the sky ...


  1. That's a LITTLE swan? Why, it's as big as a Canada Goose! Geese are NOT friendly - I wonder how swans react to people Sabine?
    That you still have hot weather and insects is interesting; considering that we had snow a few days ago, I might rather be with you in Germany!
    It's been some time since I rode a bicycle (gravel roads, eh), but I remember splashing through dips of water such as this, with legs held straight out and shouting for the joy of it. Good memories!

  2. Swans can also be aggressive. Mostly you find them in parks and people like to feed them. But they are impressive creatures!
    I read about the snow and shake my head. Now in the Zollernalb we had the first ground frost. The air is beatifull but very cold.
    You know in my age I pause before the water and choose wisely :-) I'm no longer a wild cyclist and especially after my last accident ... you know what that's not the truth: I think I'm but I really like to get in trouble.


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