Rose hips

Almost a year long we couldn't reach this hike because the bride was rebuild which crossed a highway we need to pass.
Since last week the bridge is open again and today with cold air and a blue sky it was the perfect trail.

Here we are again

Complete, as always

On this trail are lots and lots of rose hip bushes and my Pony's love them or I love them and so they ...

I collect them and spread them or they themselves are trying to catch some.

Busy collecting

I always want to feed them as much as they want or till they stop asking, but I never managed that they get enough.

Cocklebur - this year lots of them

At the end I jumped on Point. He is always the fastest and seems to enjoy to carry me.

I love the cold air and the clear sky. Definitively my favorite season!


  1. Interesting that the horses like them! We have them at higher elevations (wild roses) and I picked some hips this year to try tea!

  2. That they like it I learned from them. In the old region they had lots of rose hips on their meadow. Once in autumn/winter I saw strange things in their droppings. It was the seeds from the rose hips. Imagine how many they had to consume that I found the seeds ... Also the Konik Ponys around Berlin eat them. Same with the leaves from the blackberry. They stop and carefully tug them. I think it is a healthy sign. What do you think?


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