Guten Morgen / Good Morning
Ich habe ungefähr zehnmal versucht ein paar Sätze zu diesem kleinen Video zu schreiben. Klingt alles irgendwie gekünstelt und drückt überhaupt nicht aus was ich empfinde wenn ich so begrüßt werde. Ganz selten gibt es das auch im dreier Chor!
I tried to write a few sentences to this hort video and failed. I'm not able to put my feelings in words, sounds always artifially and far away from what I truly feel when I get greeted like this. Sometimes the do it all together!
I tried to write a few sentences to this hort video and failed. I'm not able to put my feelings in words, sounds always artifially and far away from what I truly feel when I get greeted like this. Sometimes the do it all together!
I love to hear the nickering of my horses whenever they see me outside!
ReplyDeleteIt's magic and makes me smile.