Meine Stirn im Wind / My forehead in the wind
Die letzten 14 Tage? Moritz fing an mit einer Hornhautverletzung. Dann hatte ich eigentlich schon Urlaub, aber alles andere als Urlaub und Moritz verletzte sich das Knie und bei mir wurde trotz Urlaub der Stress von der Arbeit noch schlimmer. Ich hatte von mir selbst das Bild wie ich mit zusammengebissenen Zähnen die 'Stirn in den Wind halte' und mir dachte 'Da musst Du jetzt einfach durch.' Und ich/wir sind jetzt durch, größtenteils jedenfalls.
The last 14 days? Moritz started with an injured cornea. Then technically I was in holiday, but nothing less than holiday Moritz injured his knee. And finally stress at work on holiday was getting worst. During this I had a picture from myself how I, with clenched teeth, hold 'my forehead in the wind' and thought 'You have just to go through this'. And yes finally I/we got through.
Moritz Knieverletzung kam überraschend. Ich hätte gewettet ich war dabei, habe aber trotzdem keine Ahnung was passiert ist. Auf einmal konnte der arme Kerl hinten kaum noch auftreten. Das Warten auf den Tierarzt war langwierig, deshalb schnappte ich mir Pepe und wir machten eine Wanderung.
I would bet I was with him when Moritz injured his knee, but I don't have a clue what happened. Suddenly the pour guy wasn't able to put one hindquarters to the ground without a lot of pain. The standby time for the vet was long so I took Pepe and went for a hike.
Moritz hat es mit zwei langwierigen Verletzungen echt erwischt. Das sind wir alle nicht gewohnt. Kombiniert mit meinem Stress war das schon ein unangenehmer Cocktail. Aber mein Stress hat sich gelohnt und ich werde im nächsten Jahr über schöne Dinge berichten können und Moritz ist langsam aber beharrlich auf dem Weg der Besserung. Nein, das ist nicht wahr das sich mein Stress gelohnt hat. Es war grenzwertig und es ist einfach gut ausgegangen ... Ob es das Wert war, wer will das beantworten?
Moritz with two lengthy injuries had really bad luck. We all are not used to things like that. In combination with my stress it tasted like a bad mixed cocktail. But my stress was worth it and I will have interesting stories for next year and Moritz is slowly but stable on the upgrade. No, the stress was not worth it. It was sketchy, but it turned out all right ... But if it was worth it, who will answer this?
Nachdem der Tag heute ein schöner werden wollte habe ich mit Pepe eine kleine Tour geplant. Und ich wollte den Packsattel ausprobieren.
After the day started promising I planned a small tour with Pepe. I wanted to try out the packsaddle.
Es war tatsächlich ein wunderschöner Tag und ich bin einen kleinen Trampelpfad gegangen den ich mal mit allen Ponys angefangen habe und dann umgekehrt bin weil wir an Konik Pferden vorbei gekommen wären. Pepe war zu der Zeit sehr hengstig und damals bin ich umgedreht. Heute dachte ich kriegen wir das hin. Die Wasserbüffel und Koniks habe ich nur von weitem gesehen. Erstmal hatten wir ganz andere Hindernisse zu überwinden.
It was indeed a wonderful day and I went for a small trail. I started it once with all three Ponys but turned around because we had to pass Konik Ponys and at this time Pepe acted a lot like a stallion. Today I thought we can do this. Water buffalo and Koniks were far away and at first we had different hindrances.
Pepe's Packsattel war zu hoch für den Balken, aber er blieb exakt auf Kommando stehen und man konnte den Balken anheben. Danach kam ein kleiner Zaun zum Öffnen und dann die Treppen. Zu Bedenken ist, da war nicht wirklich viel Platz um nebeneinander zu gehen oder zu stehen. Und ich musste ihn teilweise vorlassen oder vorgehen um Dinge anzuheben oder zu zumachen. Pepe und ich haben unseren mentalen Link angestellt und es lief wie am Schnürchen. Anders kann ich es nicht ausdrücken.
Pepe's packsaddel was too high for the barn, but he stopped at my command and I could lift the barn. After this was a small fence to unclip and after this the stairs. But you know, there was not much space to pass or to stand side by side. Sometimes he had to go in front, but then I had to come and unclip and so on. Pepe and I installed our mental link and it went like clockwork. I don't know how to say it in other words.
Wir gingen weiter und Pepe wurde unruhiger. Ich habe die Koniks nicht mehr gesehen, aber Pepe hat wohl was gemerkt. Er wieherte einmal sehr laut und kurze Zeit später hörte ich buchstäblich Hufgetrommel in meinem Rücken.
We walked on and Pepe was getting kind of nervous. I didn't saw the Koniks, but Pepe could sense them. He whinnied very loud and after a short time I literally had drums of hooves in my back.
Sie liefen im Bogen an uns vorbei und blieben im Abstand vor uns stehen. Einige wieherten leise. Pepe wieherte laut und sie rannten davon. Da passierte ein paarmal. Ich musste lachen, er war gut zu bändigen und das Ganze war einfach so schön lebendig!
They passed us in a curve and came to a stopp in a distance in front of us. Some of them whinnied quietly. Pepe whinnied loud and they ran away. It happened several times and meanwhile I was laughing. Pepe was nice to handle and it felt so ultimativ vivid!
The last 14 days? Moritz started with an injured cornea. Then technically I was in holiday, but nothing less than holiday Moritz injured his knee. And finally stress at work on holiday was getting worst. During this I had a picture from myself how I, with clenched teeth, hold 'my forehead in the wind' and thought 'You have just to go through this'. And yes finally I/we got through.
Heute morgen kurz vor 8.00 Uhr auf dem Bahnhof, als ich verstanden habe 'Das wird ein schöner Tag!' This morgen around 8 pm when I realized it will be a fine day! |
I would bet I was with him when Moritz injured his knee, but I don't have a clue what happened. Suddenly the pour guy wasn't able to put one hindquarters to the ground without a lot of pain. The standby time for the vet was long so I took Pepe and went for a hike.
Dünnes Eis Thin ice |
Das heruntergekommene Schloss The rotten castle |
Ich weiß nicht was Ihr seht, aber ich sehe Füße, viele Füße! I don't know what you are seeing, but I see feet, lot's of feet! |
Moritz with two lengthy injuries had really bad luck. We all are not used to things like that. In combination with my stress it tasted like a bad mixed cocktail. But my stress was worth it and I will have interesting stories for next year and Moritz is slowly but stable on the upgrade. No, the stress was not worth it. It was sketchy, but it turned out all right ... But if it was worth it, who will answer this?
Nachdem der Tag heute ein schöner werden wollte habe ich mit Pepe eine kleine Tour geplant. Und ich wollte den Packsattel ausprobieren.
After the day started promising I planned a small tour with Pepe. I wanted to try out the packsaddle.
Alle waren super geputzt und Pepe 'gesattelt' All were cleaned and Pepe was 'saddeled' |
'Stirn im Wind' 'Forehead to the wind' |
It was indeed a wonderful day and I went for a small trail. I started it once with all three Ponys but turned around because we had to pass Konik Ponys and at this time Pepe acted a lot like a stallion. Today I thought we can do this. Water buffalo and Koniks were far away and at first we had different hindrances.
Zurück geschaut: Erst der Balken, dann der Zaun, dann die Treppe. Looking back: First the bar, then the fence and then the stairs. |
Pepe's packsaddel was too high for the barn, but he stopped at my command and I could lift the barn. After this was a small fence to unclip and after this the stairs. But you know, there was not much space to pass or to stand side by side. Sometimes he had to go in front, but then I had to come and unclip and so on. Pepe and I installed our mental link and it went like clockwork. I don't know how to say it in other words.
Wir gingen weiter und Pepe wurde unruhiger. Ich habe die Koniks nicht mehr gesehen, aber Pepe hat wohl was gemerkt. Er wieherte einmal sehr laut und kurze Zeit später hörte ich buchstäblich Hufgetrommel in meinem Rücken.
We walked on and Pepe was getting kind of nervous. I didn't saw the Koniks, but Pepe could sense them. He whinnied very loud and after a short time I literally had drums of hooves in my back.
Die Konik Herde The flock of Koniks |
They passed us in a curve and came to a stopp in a distance in front of us. Some of them whinnied quietly. Pepe whinnied loud and they ran away. It happened several times and meanwhile I was laughing. Pepe was nice to handle and it felt so ultimativ vivid!
Lieblingsmütze My favorite hat |
Oh, Poor Moritz! I know you are taking the best of care with him though, so i expect he will fully recover.
ReplyDeleteI did not think Pepe would be more cute, but I was wrong. He in that packsaddle? A-dor-able!
Merry Christmas Sabine!
Merry Christmas Mrs Shoes!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the confidence in me about Moritz. The vet said: 'Leave him alone'. And this was a really good advice. Now he is getting a little bit grumpy by being left alone. I see that as a good sign, but still some way ahead!