Wochen gehen ins Land / Weeks are passing by

Und in dieser Zeit bin ich mit meinen Ponys Kilometer um Kilometer gelaufen: Wie immer. In Gedanken habe ich viele Posts geschrieben und keinen veröffentlicht. Aber ich glaube ich bin durch mit meiner Distanzierung von 'social media'. Vorwärts-, rückwärts- und seitwärts gekaut, aber ich mag diese Art des Selbstgesprächs und in den Spiegel schauen und wenn es auch wenige Kommentare sind die ich habe, ich vermisse sie!!! Es ist als ob ich die Hand ins Weite strecke und jemand ergreift sie, vorzugsweise aus Kanada :-)
And in this time my Ponys and I walked mile after mile: as always. In my thoughts I wrote post after post without publishing. But I think I'm through with keeping distancce to 'social media'. Forward, backward and sideways I turned it over and over. But I like these kind of conversation with myself and looking into the mirror. Also I missed the few but valuable comments. It is as if I reach my hand into the vast and someone is taking it, particulary from canada :-)

Sehr locker
Very casual

Entspannter geht's kaum
More relaxed is impossible

Die scheuen Wasserbüffel
The shy water buffalo

Ganz klein sind zwei Koniks zu erkennen. Sie haben aber die
Flucht ergriffen und die ganze Herde ist vor uns davongestürmt.
Very small you can see two Koniks. But the escaped and tooke
the whole herd with them.

Mit dieser Aussicht gehe ich meilenweit
With this view I can walk forever



  1. I've never seen a water buffalo except at a zoo or on television; when the ponies first saw them, did they have a strong reaction, I wonder? Such enormous horns they have!
    Do they move away from the fence if you yourself try to approach Sabine, or are they intensely curious like most cattle are?

    Of course, now we have only ranch horses who are used to working cattle whenever the opportunity presents. In fact, since we have only 1 bull & 2 cows at present, Padre & Bella feel rather under-worked. Padre especially LOVES to work cattle - sometimes the neighbours from 2 miles away will have an odd cow or calf squeezes through their fencing & gets out; Padre has a 6th sense for this kind of escapee & can spot a calf in the ditch or a cow on the road from over a mile away (LONG before I am able to clearly see whether it is a deer or a cow). His fiery little chestnut mind automatically goes into full on cowpony mode & he insists we must put this animal back into place immediately and without delay!
    Not so long ago, one of the neighbour cows showed up inside my barnyard, herded & held by Padre & Bella in a corner until I came out for morning feeding. What excitement for them! When the neighbour came (on a tractor) to claim his cow, he was worried that his cow would react badly to me pushing it from horseback, though the cow was contentedly chewing her cud in a corner since the day before! When he could not get the cow to come through the gate, much less down the lane, Padre proved him wrong & pushed her gently all the way into her own pasture. The neighbour said to me, "I didn't know you could do that." as if it amazed him. In Alberta where we lived, this would be only normal to work & to move cattle with horses (even long distances), but here in this area of MB, my neighbours all use quads to herd them which, to me, is a waste of gas when Mr Shoes & I can do the job more easily, more gently to the cows, (& more quietly too) from horseback.

    There was a place we rode past often in AB with a large goat herd, & Padre & Bella lived alongside a llama & a donkey before I bought them (they are siblings from a repeat breeding). Here, there is a bison farm a couple of miles in another direction that we ride past quite a lot which, in the beginning, was cause for much snorting, head tossing, & even a spin around or two for extra gawking at the bison. Now the horses are more startled by the odd duck flushing from the ditch than they are bothered by the bison.

    Sabine, my dear friend, thank you so much for your kind words on the story of my nephew's continuing coma; your words lent me much comfort.
    I can't imagine having this happen twice, and I am so sorry that you had to go through that in your family. Your mother sounds like a very intelligent & wise lady.
    One day Sabine, I hope that we might meet in person; you & Alexander would be most welcome guests anytime, should you ever decide to visit my beautiful Canada.
    ((Big Hugs from Canada))

  2. What an amazing response! Honestly, no the ponies did not react at all at the water buffalo. They are very different than all other sorts of cattle we met so far. First they are really huge and so deep black. And there reaction were also different. They lifted their short neck and big head and absorbed the air. They moved very little, but I also could imagine that this could be the beginning of an attack. We passed and they turned to and with us. That was all. But it was impressive!
    I read your post about the cow who showed up in your barn. Sounded funny for me. Isn't it difficult ti ride a horse with such a cow sense. How do you stay on top? You also need a sense for what your horse will do.
    Regarding my brother and sister. I think deep inside myself there is a heavy guarded door which I hopefully never open. Everyone has it's own way of grieving and no one should judge another person about the way you choose. Since getting older myself and facing the different stages of life's way I reflect a lot about it. One doctor said I should take it more casual. But I'm really not that type...
    This would be a wonder to meet you, your family and your farm in person. Sometimes life is just wonderful.


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