Die Welt in Schwarz-Weiss / The world in black-white
Seit ein paar Tagen schneit es immer mal wieder und mittlerweile liegt eine schöne Schneedecke. Als ich heute morgen zum joggen in den Wald ging habe ich mich in einem merkwürdigem Licht befunden. Irgendwie war die Farbe abhanden gekommen und die Welt war fast ausschließlich in Schwarz und Weiss.
Since a few days it sometimes snows and right now we have a beautiful mantle of snow. This morning when I went out for jogging into the forest I was caught in a special light. The colors were gone, it was almost all in black and white.
Nach den ersten paar Laufschritten wollte Point sich erstmal gründlich wälzen. Da ich es einfach gut finde, wenn sie ihre Wünsche zeigen habe ich ihn gelassen. Irgendwie war es auch nachvollziehbar in der unberührten Schneedecke.
After a few running steps Point decided that he at first needs to roll right now. I like it when they show what they want to do and so I let him roll. I almost could feel it in my body rolling in an untouched snow mantel.
Nachdem wir weiter gelaufen waren und Pepe mich überholte fiel mir auf das er der einzige Farbklecks war. Er wirkte irgendwie übertrieben dreidimensional wie er da an mir vorbeitrabte. Ich habe versucht ein Foto zu machen, aber es ist total verwackelt. Die Zeit der Farblosigkeit hielt auch nur kurz an, dann war alles wieder beim Alten. Faszinierend, als ob ich kurz in einer Parallelwelt aus Schwarz und Weiss und nur zwei Dimensionen unterwegs war. Scheint als hätte ich einen magischen Moment passiert.
After we jogged on Pepe overtook me and it caught my eye that it seemed he was the only blur of color. He also seemed to appear overstated three-d as he trotted past. I tried to make a photo, but it's jittery. The time without the color was short and than all was as ever. It was as if I had run through a parallel dimension out of black and white and only two dimension. Seems as if I had passed a magic moment.
Since a few days it sometimes snows and right now we have a beautiful mantle of snow. This morning when I went out for jogging into the forest I was caught in a special light. The colors were gone, it was almost all in black and white.
Zwei Rehe und ein Stückchen blassblauer Himmel Two deer and a tiny piece of pale blue sky |
After a few running steps Point decided that he at first needs to roll right now. I like it when they show what they want to do and so I let him roll. I almost could feel it in my body rolling in an untouched snow mantel.
Genuss pur Pure enjoyment |
After we jogged on Pepe overtook me and it caught my eye that it seemed he was the only blur of color. He also seemed to appear overstated three-d as he trotted past. I tried to make a photo, but it's jittery. The time without the color was short and than all was as ever. It was as if I had run through a parallel dimension out of black and white and only two dimension. Seems as if I had passed a magic moment.
I know this moment! We have such times here, unexpectedly also, but often just ahead of a storm - not a nasty storm, but just one that drops a lot of snow. I can just imagine that rolling in the snow would feel a little like making a snow angel!
ReplyDeleteSabine, may I ask you to please share a new site which deals with the abducted child (since May 8, 2016) Kaydance? If you would be able to facebook share or even talk about it at work - we believe that the child is being hidden away somewhere in the Shengen region (because they hold both British & Canadian passports) &, as you well know, can travel through the Shengen without presenting documents. Please Sabine, I know this family is why I have such an emotional stake in finding the child & bringing her back to Canada; please help by sharing this anywhere you can think to do so:
My heart breaks for the whole family, even Lauren. :-(