Stille / Silence

Das Feiertage immer so eine allumfassende Ruhe ausstrahlen fasziniert mich immer wieder. Selbst meine Gedanken erreichten eine Art Stillstand und ich habe mich im Anblick meiner Ponys verloren.
Feast days bring a calmness into the world from which I'm again and again fascinated. Also my thoughts came to a stop and I let myself got lost in looking at my Ponys.

Weißes Pony in Schneelandschaft
White Pony in a snowy landscape
In den letzten Tagen hatte es etwas geschneit und nun soll es zwei Tage lang richtig kalt werden. Dazu gab es heute einen knallblauen Himmel.
The last days we had a little bit of snow and now there should be two days of really cold. As well a beautiful blue sky.

Bergauf hinter Pepe
Uphill behind Pepe
Die Eyach mit leichtem Frost
The Eyach with a little bit of ice
Die passenden Halfter sind keine Absicht ...
The fitting halter was not on purpose

Mein Glanzlicht ist ein kurzes Video von Point. So war er eigentlich während der ganzen Wanderung. So ein schöner Anblick von Freiheit und Unbeschwertheit.
My highlight is a short video from Point. He was moving like this the whole tour. I couldn't take my eyes of him: Freedom and easiness.

Und ein kleines Experiment zum Schluss. Um meinen Armen und Händen Erleichterung zu verschaffen binde ich entweder Point an Moritz oder Moritz an Point. Beides hat Vor- und Nachteile und Point ist manchmal ziemlich genervt. Also habe ich heute mal Moritz an Pepe gebunden. Der kleine Kerl war stoisch und Moritz wirkte überrascht. Ein schöner Anblick war es außerdem!
At the end I tried something new. To spare my arms and hands I tie Moritz to Point or Point to Moritz. Both has advantages and disadvantages. Point seem sometimes really in stress with the slow Moritz. So today I tied Moritz to Pepe. The little guy was stoic and Moritz seemed surprised. But it is a beautiful sight.

Moritz an Pepe
Moritz tied to Pepe
Schöner Anblick
Beautiful sight


  1. I love the video of Point. He looks so pretty in the snow, and totally happy. What a great location that you can set him free and he will come back. Major would never come back, he'd just go home, he is too independent!

  2. I started this around 15 years back in Berlin. A friend of mine - where I stay when I visit Berlin with the Ponys - had also a Haflinger who always stayed close to his buddy. So we started to set the two Hafis free. There where some mishaps ... It is so different to see your horse walk over kilometers in freedom. How it choose the way of walking, when it pause or where it looks. Point has a tendency to find places with a view and then he stands and seems to enjoy it.

  3. I love that you can let him loose to kick up his heels, so pretty Sabine!!


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