Traumfutter / Fedding my dream
Wir haben seit Tagen kalte trockene Luft und einen knallblauen Himmel.
Since a few days the air is dry and very cold, as well the sky is super blue.
Seit Wochen habe ich diverse Packsättel für die Ponys gekauft und bin nie dazu gekommen sie auszuprobieren. Ich hatte ziemlich lange gesucht und bei allen - außer dem Wanderrucksack für Pepe - gab es Lieferverzögerungen. Als sie dann kamen, war ich in Berlin und die Freude und Lust am Ausprobieren dahin.
Since weeks I looked for packsaddles for the Ponys, but until now I didn't tried them out. I'm looking since some time and when I finally had decided which ones I want to buy all - except the hiking rucksack for Pepe - had delays in the delivery. When they arrived I was in Berlin and the pleasure and delight in trying out was gone when I finally hold them in my hands.
Der Lustige or The funny one:
Dies ist wirklich ein kleiner Rucksack für kleine Ponys. Er ist schnell aufgelegt und angepasst. Er wird über Klettverschlüsse gehalten und befestigt. Mal sehen, ob ich ihn wirklich benutze?
This is a small rucksack for small Ponys. It is easy and fast adjusted and is hold by hook and loop fastener. I wonder if I will really use him.
Der Seriöse or The serious one.
Ich wollte nur ein Gefühl bekommen für die Proportion. Meine Hand ist noch nicht soweit verheilt, dass ich Schnallen gut öffnen und schließen kann. Erstmal habe ich ihn auch falsch herum aufgesetzt und dann über den Strippen gegrübelt ... Es ist toll ein so schön gearbeitetes Produkt zu besitzen: Packsattel für Esel, Mini etc. Ein Blick auf die Unterlage des Sattels lohnt sich. Da habe ich mich sehr schwer getan, meine Mutter war dabei und ist irgendwann gegangen. Alexander hat Bilder geschickt bekommen. ABER ich bin zufrieden.
I just wanted to get a feeling for the proportion. My hand is not completely healed, so I'm not able to work with the lots of straps and bucks. At the beginning I put the saddle the wrong away around and than stand before Pepe and speculated about the straps ... It's great to have such a beautiful worked product: Packing saddle for donkeys, Minis etc. Also the saddle pad is worth a look. I was very unsure while buying. My mother was with me and at sometime she left me. I involved Alexander by sending pictures, BUT I'm satisfied by looking at it.
Der Dritte für die 'Großen' or The third one for the 'big' ones.
Während ich versuchte einen Überblick über Packsättel zu bekommen, bin ich über diesen gestolpert und habe mich sehr spontan entschieden. Es ist ja nicht so, dass eine große Wanderung ansteht, aber trotzdem würde ich die beiden größeren Ponys gerne mit einbeziehen. Das habe ich geschafft mit diesem Wanderrucksack. Er heißt Wanderrucksack oder 'Walk my horse'. Als ich aus unserem Haus raus trat hat Point mich angeschaut und ich hatte spontan den Eindruck das dies ein Rucksack für die Stadt ist. Mir schoss ein Bild durch den Kopf wie ich mit allen dreien den Kudamm entlang flaniere und Schaufenster anschaue ...
While I tried to get an overview about packing saddles I saw this one and bought it spontaneous. I don't plan a big hiking tour, but I would like to involve the two bigger Ponys. I did this with this hiking rucksack or 'walk my horse' how they call them. When I got out of the house Point looked at me and suddenly I had the imagination of a city rucksack. And I imagined us three walking down the Kudamm boulevard in Berlin and Windowshopping ...
Dieses ganze Gerede über Packsättel gilt meinem Traum: Mit meinen Ponys nach Berlin zu laufen und diese Gegend hinter mir zu lassen. Wie ein schöner Urlaub, der jetzt (endlich) zu Ende geht.
All this chatting about packing saddles feeds my dream: To walk with my Ponys to Berlin and leaving this area behind us. Like a nice holiday, which is (finally) coming to an end.
Since a few days the air is dry and very cold, as well the sky is super blue.
1. Januar 2017 |
Since weeks I looked for packsaddles for the Ponys, but until now I didn't tried them out. I'm looking since some time and when I finally had decided which ones I want to buy all - except the hiking rucksack for Pepe - had delays in the delivery. When they arrived I was in Berlin and the pleasure and delight in trying out was gone when I finally hold them in my hands.
Der Lustige or The funny one:
Pepe ist jetzt mein mobiler Rucksack Pepe is now my mobile rucksack |
This is a small rucksack for small Ponys. It is easy and fast adjusted and is hold by hook and loop fastener. I wonder if I will really use him.
Der Seriöse or The serious one.
Ein echter Packsattel A real packsaddle |
I just wanted to get a feeling for the proportion. My hand is not completely healed, so I'm not able to work with the lots of straps and bucks. At the beginning I put the saddle the wrong away around and than stand before Pepe and speculated about the straps ... It's great to have such a beautiful worked product: Packing saddle for donkeys, Minis etc. Also the saddle pad is worth a look. I was very unsure while buying. My mother was with me and at sometime she left me. I involved Alexander by sending pictures, BUT I'm satisfied by looking at it.
Der Dritte für die 'Großen' or The third one for the 'big' ones.
Wanderrucksack für die 'Großen' Hiking rucksack for the 'big' ones |
While I tried to get an overview about packing saddles I saw this one and bought it spontaneous. I don't plan a big hiking tour, but I would like to involve the two bigger Ponys. I did this with this hiking rucksack or 'walk my horse' how they call them. When I got out of the house Point looked at me and suddenly I had the imagination of a city rucksack. And I imagined us three walking down the Kudamm boulevard in Berlin and Windowshopping ...
Dieses ganze Gerede über Packsättel gilt meinem Traum: Mit meinen Ponys nach Berlin zu laufen und diese Gegend hinter mir zu lassen. Wie ein schöner Urlaub, der jetzt (endlich) zu Ende geht.
All this chatting about packing saddles feeds my dream: To walk with my Ponys to Berlin and leaving this area behind us. Like a nice holiday, which is (finally) coming to an end.
These packs are AWESOME Sabine! Now those ponies can carry home the bread & wine & everything else you might gather up on your outings. Perhaps, like a New Mexico blogger, you will come across a skull on one of your hikes & decide to bring it home.... That lady glued pieces of turquoise onto a cattle skull & hangs it on a wall inside the house where it looks quite striking.
ReplyDeleteI might be teasing you just a little Sabine, but still it's exciting that you can now travel with a picnic lunch or something & maybe Alex comes along......romance. The possibilities are many.
Once I was out and found a skull of a boar. I was riding fast because one hour later a hunt would start. When I understood what I saw I wanted to turn around and take a photo, but decided to ride even faster. I'm sure the skull was from these hunting guys. You see, you try to tease and I have the story ready to tell. So true: The possibilities are many ...
ReplyDeleteHahaha, but seriously, you should have picked it up.