Into the rain

This weekend, I managed to get us completely soaked twice!

Yesterday I went on a bike tour with my hairy friends. I got a new old bike. It's my mothers old one. It's lightweight and rolls on it's own. The tires are narrow so may be not the best for the woods and cycling with three Pony's, but I managed not to fall and I think my test drive was under hard circumstances. Wet and slippery paths.

The 'Wild ones'

Can we go this way?

Sometimes my Pony's choose a path and normally I'm happy to stroll around and discover new paths. This one was small and lot of dead wood was lying around. With a big sigh I followed - of course. I shoved the bike and carried it over the fallen trees.

Today I wanted to do a short walk besides the 'Black water'. And like yesterday the whole time when we were outside it rained. Back in the horse pension, it stopped and the sun came through. But we enjoyed anyway.

Straight into the drama weather

Why I call this hike 'Black water'

The surrounding is strange

The bridge in the picture above is new. It took them almost a year. In the times of the old bridge we could climb directly to the bridge. It's no longer possible, but my Pony's remember the way!

Who we meet recently:

First the Konik Ponys. They are still around and I really love to watch them. They are so beautiful. I feel blessed that I can pass them every day and watch.

Peps's stalker

This time one of them was accompany Pepe. He walked with us as long as he could, almost 1 km and left his herd for us.

Second is Danny, a Tinker Pony.
Danny is ten years old and likes to go fast. His owner is afraid of riding him, because he is so fast and he has a kind of a bad reputation. I have trouble hiking (my knees), so I look for new and different opportunities (like cycling). Moritz is definitely to old for riding, sometimes he can carry the small sulky but not for long distances. Point is also 25 and I can ride him but I'm afraid I miss the point where it is too much for him. Pepe has the Sulky, but I know for sure it is not where he is really happy. And I'm also not really a passionate carriage rider.
Our best was jogging and hiking, but ... no longer possible. Therefore it happened that I was sitting on a Tinker Pony. He is great and he is fast, sometimes it felt riding a rocket.

Test ride with Moritz

Here they go ...

Pepe astonished me completely, because he didn't made a big fuss walking beside a strange horse. He was easy to handle and enjoyed the tempo.
So let's see what we will do next.


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