I like hoods ...

... And that's a true understatement.
I like hoods because in my eyes they are aesthetic. If I look in the mirror and I have no hood at my cloth, I think something is missing.
Because the clothes with hoods mostly are not what I have in mind I started to think about making my own hoods. First I knit at the knitted sweater a hood, but so what ...
One day I asked myself why not take these wonderful colors from the sock wool (Opal) and knit a hood and then stitch it at a shirt you like. No sooner, than done!

My 'Hood'collection
Meanwhile it's quite a collection.
Besides hoods I really like unique clothes. So preparing a shirt with a hood is one step for a unique shirt, but I go even further.

I change the knobs in a color that matches the hood, and I buy different braids and stitch them to button tape. In this case I found something out of glitter :-)
Braids and knobs I find at a great shop called stoffe.de. You can lose yourself in this stuff.

What I also like is when I find a kind of old or used shirt, especially from my man. Than the whole thing is just getting perfect!


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